Sunday, November 10, 2013

Dressing The Part

We all have different aspects of our lives for which we need to dress the part. Whether it is getting some outfits prepared for interviews, family gatherings, church services, or a job that requires a certain attire. A girl needs a wardrobe that can be versatile and ready for any one of these situations even when we least expect it.

I've been faced with the dilemma of turning my not so professional wardrobe into including some very business formal outfits for my career path. Some staples I believe everyone should have in their closet to help them be a bit more professional are the following: a good fitting blazer, a least one nice pair of dress pants, and a plain white button up.

With these three staples you can mix and match them with other things in your closet that aren't necessarily business formal. Throwing a blazer over a dress can really dress it up, or pairing the dress pants with a chiffon blouse can be a business casual look.

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